Do you need to go Extreme?
In the world of Instagram and Twitter, it's all about the immediate impact. It's hard to get anyone's attention and notice these days without going all out with your image...In the examples above, we've gone from fairies to "hot and cold" and other fun things in between. For business, we might take photos that make you appear hanging off a building or dancing on water...hmmm, some future ideas maybe? At any rate, in our world of photography, we are serving clients in two main directions: Attention Getting Images, and Forever Images. The attention-getting is what we call "sharable" or "Instagood" on your Instagram for that split "instant" and the Forever is that portrait that you want, well, "forever". It's what we've always internally referred to as the "salable" image, because often we work hard on the cool artistic enhancements, and have a lot of fun doing it, but when it comes down to the actual sale, Mom or Dad will say, "That's cool, but I don't know what I would use it for." The "forever" image, they know how to use, and they know they will enjoy it forever at home. They want it to remind them of that moment in time when their "baby" was a HS Senior... and they want to pass it on to future generations.
So the answer is, for the moment, going "extreme" is hot with the HS Senior, and perhaps a little cold with the parents, who 'dig' it for it's wow factor, but maybe they don't have an Instagram account. The "forever", or "classic" (pictured below) is what the parent needs to see daily to remind them of their kid who has now moved away and is starting a life of their own.
Some examples of the "classic" photo that you can use are below...