Soon Class of 2017 will be in the midst of party after party and party... it's commencement time, and a time for celebration. We hope that as you gather your family this graduation season, you will schedule a time to have your portrait taken, all together, while you are all in one place... It's rare these days, isn't it? In the hustle and bustle of life, we often make excuses why we can't make it to family gatherings. Hopefully your family is the exception, and everyone is gathering to celebrate this milestone in your life. If you have that time, make the most of it. A time when we can all be together. Be sure to make every effort possible to get a photo of everyone together, as they are now, in this moment in time. Then print it, and place it in an album where you will be able to preserve this history for your family in the future. Not everyone will be coming to us for a formal portrait over the fireplace, but we can guarantee, that if you do (and of course we hope you do), and have grandparents invited to be at the center of it all, it will be the best present that you have EVER given to the grandparents as a family.
As always, I'm here to help with advice on what to wear, and how to get everyone gathered in one place... Don't worry about the logistics, the important thing is, call us right away, get the date and time figured out, when everyone will be over at your place ANYWAY... and then we'll help you piece together the rest...
Enjoy this time. Don't work too hard being hostess (you can hire a caterer, don't try to do it all yourself!) Be together. Enjoy.